Best Casino Games to Play in Australia

Uptown Pokies Casino

Australian online casinos are notorious for offering games players, Down Under or otherwise, love, and while many take skill to master, they're all easy to learn. Ready to catch up on the hottest games in Oz? Read on.

Pokies & Slots

The main difference between slot and pokie-style games is the speaker's location, and the fun on the reels extends to anyone bright enough to spin them. Occasionally, you'll find the term "pokies" used when referencing video poker, but the most accepted definition comes with a set of reels bent on building your bankroll. Pokies, or slots, in Australian online casinos, look like those available on platforms for other countries, including games from massively popular studios like Pragmatic Play, Betsoft, and SpinLogic, the developer formerly known as RTG. Regardless of which Australian casino you hit, rest assured the action on the reels will be awesome.

Australian Blackjack

While hitting 21 is the goal of every blackjack player, different locales often adhere to a unique set of rules; this is why variations like American and European exist. Australian blackjack is another version of the game, loved Down Under for apparent reasons, and alters the rules to allow for doubling after splitting, among other quirky changes. While Australian blackjack is available elsewhere, the game can be tough to find in U.S.-friendly casinos. Whether you land in Oz in person or virtually, however, Australian blackjack will likely be on hand to offer you a unique entertainment experience, so take time to learn the rules so you're ready when you encounter the game.

All Kinds Of Poker

Poker has long been one of the most widely enjoyed forms of gambling, and the advent of online betting only reinforced the idea. Like most of the world, Aussies prefer no-limit hold'em over any other type of poker, although gamblers enjoy different versions as equally Down Under as they are elsewhere in the world. Again, video poker games are often miscategorized as pokies and also count as poker, although the game is far less social than even the remotest Australian real-time tourney. While the versions of poker in Australia differ little from those elsewhere, the bonuses at the casinos offering the games are often as attractive as promos on American platforms, so check them out before depositing.

Roulette Down Under

While extensive versions of roulette are available to gamblers at casinos in Australia, the country can't stake claim to a variation of its own design. French, American, European, speed, and multi-wheel are just a few options available, and roulette players will love hitting them all when they wager Down Under. Like players in the U.S., Australians prefer the American, European, and French versions the most, and in that order. While pockets of players exist who strongly prefer other versions of roulette, they're not necessarily from Australia. Explore every roulette variation to find your favorite.

Freemium Games

Incredible, immersive slots with free spins, bonus features, and other on-reel perks, alongside other games, are available for free download. Freemium titles never require real money to play, although purchases are available. Some sources suggest Freemiums also have an avenue to cash betting, although the path forward isn't clear. Ready to learn more about Freemium games? Then download one tonight to begin exploring the concept for yourself.

Pack Your Bags

Betting legally at Australian casinos may require you to be in the country physically, but that doesn't mean you can't use your late vacation nights to perfect your Australian blackjack strategy. Already there? Game on.